Social Security Administration

美 [ˈsoʊʃl sɪˈkjʊrəti ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn]英 [ˈsəʊʃl sɪˈkjʊərəti ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn]
  • 网络美国社会保障局;社会保障部;社会安全局;美国社会保障总署;美国社会安全局
Social Security AdministrationSocial Security Administration
  1. And perfecting the mechanism of social security administration , etc.


  2. Project modeling in action : A decade in the life of the Social Security Administration


  3. The Social Security Administration is an enormous organization with enormous responsibilities .


  4. Traditional social security administration practices no longer conform to the changing situations .


  5. For a more precise number , use the Social Security Administration 's retirement estimator .


  6. The criminal justice and administration in the current social security administration should be devided .


  7. ' Golden Insurance Project ' points the direction to the information system construction of labor and social security administration .


  8. The Social Security Administration found that the national average wage index was $ 46481.52 by the end of 2014 .


  9. Outcomes were followed using subsequent questionnaires , Social Security Administration death records , and state cancer registries .


  10. Since our government Social Security Administration Performance Evaluation of a late start , compared with foreign qualitative research more quantitative research is less .


  11. Although the program is administered by a federal agency , the Social Security Administration , it uses no federal funds .


  12. Social security administration is faced with a series of reforms resulted from multiple factors for meeting the need to build well-off society and develop the west rapidly .


  13. By the end of 2001 , the number of group contracts signed by enterprises nationwide and submitted to the labor and social security administration departments for the record had reached 270,000 .


  14. Otherwise , after arrival , students may apply to a local Social Security Administration Office . In applying for a social security number , students should present their passport and immigration form 1-94 .


  15. However , the Social Security Administration will note this in its records and will thereafter notify the INS if a student should subsequently use the number in accepting a job .


  16. A Social Security Administration employee was formally reprimanded earlier this month for excessive workplace flatulence , according to a Dec. 10 letter obtained by The Smoking Gun .


  17. It undertakes the central duties and responsibilities of the border control as well as the local duties and responsibilities which are mainly about the maintenance of the social security administration and the economics and society development in the border areas .


  18. When a person concerned thinks that a labor and social security administration department has violated his or her legitimate rights in the course of supervision and execution of the laws , he or she may initiate an administrative review or bring an administrative suit .


  19. If you go to work for an airline , a bank , a large insurance company , a large accounting company , a large university , or the social security administration , you will likely have con-tact through your individual workstation with a mainframe computer .


  20. Data from the Social Security Administration show that since the HBO version of Game of Thrones first aired in 2011 , at least 3500 American girls have been named either Daenerys or Khaleesi ( one of the character 's royal titles ) .


  21. NPR 's Sam Sanders reports it 's the part of that connects applicants to the Social Security Administration and Internal Revenue Service . In a blog post , Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius told the tool call the data services ' hub .


  22. Related injuries that confirm whether the facts meet the work-related injuries of workers disabled behavior , mainly the applicants of work-related injuries apply to the social security administration departments , social security administration departments in accordance with the laws and regulations to make the confirmation of an act .


  23. The fulfillment of right to social security needs active administration of the national administrative organs .


  24. Part two gives brief introductions on the producing and development of our social security system , the administration system , the administration organ and funds administration of our social security system .


  25. We should integrate existing resources to expand and advance practical cooperation between countries along the Belt and Road on youth employment , entrepreneurship training , vocational skill development , social security management , public administration and management and in other areas of common interest .


  26. Management work in social innovation , social security administration is the most important , so do social aspects of prevention and control and other special command of the overall work of emergency management , timely and proper disposal of public emergencies is the focus of current work .


  27. The paper takes Great Britain , Germany , America , and Japan as typical cases . It has a comparison of the theoretical bases and the models of these countries ' social security system , the administration content , raising funds styles and summarizes different countries ' legislation .


  28. The urban-rural integration construction of Chengdu City , with emphasis on industry interaction , finance , banking , land , public services and social management , social security , employment , administration and other aspects of exploration , focuses on building a new urban-rural relation .


  29. This paper exploration into the social security problems in County areas in-depth , have a role location to social security administration functions at the county level of government , established the performance evaluation index system of social security and management functions of .


  30. Fairness and efficiency of social security policy and implementation , directly affecting the vital interests of the masses , so it is particularly important for the Government in the performance evaluation of the Social Security Administration .
